Tips to Prevent Stress from Affecting you Sexually


Just as prolonged stress affects health, so too can it affect one’s sex life. Stress is perhaps the number one culprit in men’s and women’s low sexual desire. Too much stress often chips away a person’s libido (desire), by affecting hormones and mood, and by interfering with the quality time that helps a couple stay connected.

To avoid a sexual disconnect with your partner, it is important that you take the time to free yourself of stress; allowing you to joy life’s finer moments. Here are some ideas of how to do just that:

Exercise: Becoming active is the quickest and easiest way to lessen the effects of stress. Exercise might be the last thing you want to do after a long day at work, but just 20 to 30 minutes spent breaking a sweat can rid your body of stress and recharge you for the night. If the treadmill isn’t your thing, try swimming, tennis, yoga or a Pilates class.

Rearrange Your Schedule: If you often find yourself stressed near the end of the day, try changing your schedule to improve your mood. Tackle big projects in the morning when you have more energy, and don’t forget to rest and recharge throughout the day. Spend 90 minutes completely focused on the task at hand, followed by a 5 to 10 minute break to do some deep breathing, listen to some music, or walk to the post office. By giving yourself just a small break, you can improve your mental function and get back in the game.

Let It Go: Easier said than done, right? Not really. Remember that you are in charge of your mental space and only you can determine your mood and your outlook. Start creating a positive mood before the day even begins.

Reduce Obligations In Your Life. If you get organized, prioritize only important commitments in your life and say no to other activities that take up your time, you can reduce the overall level of stress you experience in your life; giving you more time and energy on your hands and less stress in your life. This all contributes to a healthy libido.

Get Enough Sleep. Sleep deprivation can damage your entire system and make you feel more stressed. If you can’t get enough sleep at night, you might try a power nap to achieve some of the same benefits. This may help you preserve more energy for nighttime activities.

Have A Good Laugh. It’s often said that laughter is the shortest distance between two people. Laughter is also an excellent stress reliever and delivers great benefits to your body and soul. Try to unwind with a funny TV show or book, or make it a point to share some laughs with the one you love.

Schedule Time for Intimacy. Being stressed and busy (especially after a new baby or a major change), can cause us to feel more detached in our relationship. If you make it a point to find time for emotionally nurturing conversation, you will feel more connected and most likely more amorous with your partner. Also, by talking about your current stressors you will get it off your chest preventing you from being burdened by the excess stress your problems bring. This will help you feel closer to your partner, as unresolved relationship issues and stressors can lead to low libido.

In conclusion, stress can come in many forms. The one thing you can count on is that it will be in your life. Try to remember that everyone handles stress differently. In other words, what causes one person to “stress-out” may be something that another person can easily handle. Remember, we have a choice about how we react to it. You and your partner can choose to lessen the effects of stress by communicating with each other. Communication also keeps one partner from feeling lonely, builds trust, shows commitment and can release the heavy burdens that you are feeling. Be kind, caring and show affection. Be aware of life’s stressors and don’t let them drive you and your partner apart.

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